The latest addition to the madhouse, is definitely not what you'd expect. The reaction to her, I didn't quite expect either. It arrived a couple of weeks ago, and came complete with an 'adoption' certificate. We had no idea what to call 'it' and, infact, we weren't even sure if it was a boy or a girl. So we decided to ask the children. Cameron and Katrina decided they would just pick names that they liked, and shout them out for the rest of us to comment upon. Ayden sat quietly, looking at 'it'. Then he declares 'It's a girl' I looked at him and said 'Ok, it's a girl'.....and he said 'No, look, it has a bottom.....but no willy, because THIS is a tail, I have a bottom and a willy because I am a willy means a girl'. I wasn't quite sure to address that, other than that clearly he was right. I found it rather fascinating that neither Katrina or Cameron were even bothered, and clearly saw 'it' as an 'it' where Ayden saw 'it' as a.......well.......personality.
No one could still think of a name for our new addition however. We searched and searched and searched. It was harder to find a name for our new addition than I would have thought. So.....what is this 'it' we are talking about?? We would like to introduce you, to our latest addition........
Rowan has become very very attached to Domino. We had a few settling in problems, and it took a little while for us to work out where Domino will be sleeping, and apparentl what she likes eating, but both Ayden and Rowan have decided that Domino likes McDonald's chips with curry sauce, along with diet coke to wash it down.
Domino's first outing was a big outing. Domino had to come with us to the hospital. Rowan hates the hospital. So we decided that Domino deserved her first day out, and Rowan could show Domino all the things we have to do at the hospital, this made things a lot better for Rowan!!
So here are the pictures of Domino's trip to the hospital.
While we wait, there are toys we can play with, Rowan decided that Domino needed to try some new foods, McDonald's chips just aren't good for you.
Once that's all done, we have to wait for the doctor to be ready. Rowan's doctor was a big grumpy and wouldn't let us take a picture of Domino with the Dr.
After the doctor's appointment, we have to walk through our town to go back to get the bus. In the town we live in, there is a really nice art project. It's called 'Wild In Art'. Last year, it was the 'pride of Northampton' so all the schools, and lots of other organisations too were delivered a 'lion'....they were plain white model lions. Each school then decorated them, then they were displayed throughout the town. They were absolutely gorgeous. Some adult artists made some too, and there were lots of different ones. Outside our main shopping centre was a Lion that looked just like Alan Carr! With the goofy teeth, and the glasses, Alan Carr came from Northampton! It was very very funny! So this year, because the project was so successful, it has been expanded to cover all kinds of different animals, with all kinds of different designs. So Rowan and Domino went through town seeing how many different animals we could find, what they looked like, and then posing for photographs. It gives a little bit of interest to our town! And they are hiding all over the place!!
A Rhino, depicting the Balloon Festival that is in Northampton every year.
Domino couldn't climb onto this one, there was nothing to hold on it, and it was so tall!
Rowan helped Domino climb onto the back of this Lion for a picture.
Oh that is a lot better, a tiny gorrila, much easier to climb onto!
This Hippo is a giant blackboard! Everyone writes on it with the chalk out of the pink cups! Rowan and Domino made their mark too :o)
This is Rowan's favourite animal in town. We decided though that the Rhino needed more Spots. Lots of animal prints all in one.
We thought we lost Domino, but no, she was sunbathing on the pink flower Rhino, phew.
It had been a busy trip to town and both Domino and Rowan were very tired!
Goodnight Domino and Rowan, sweet dreams!
I would just like to say a big Thank You to the guys and girls at Post Pals, for running this project, the Dotty Project, and Thank You to Dotty for allowing us to adopt one of her Littermates. We are looking after her well and she is enjoying many days out, she is a valuable member of the family now. We have been to GOSH, we have been to the park, Domino comes everywhere with us now. Thank you. She gives us another focus when we are out and about, and has allowed Rowan to be much more interactive, although without words still.
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